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Monday, October 31, 2016

Jesus show's His love for us by giving us children!

Jesus show's His love for us by giving us children!  

Sometime during the late 1970’s, I decided to go on a 21 day fast. Not a Daniel fast mind you but a water only fast. Needless to say my 21 day fast lasted 10 days.
I had heard a radio preacher say that when you fasted you should be specific.  So I specifically asked for a brand new blue Chevrolet Van. I don’t think I have ever seen a blue Chevrolet van in my entire life before or after the fast. However, van’s were a popular item in the 70’s and it was all I could think of that I might like to have!
However, during the fasting time, I was reading a book by Demos Shakarian. Demos was the man who started the full gospel business men’s fellowship. The book was called “The Happiest People on Earth”.  In the book he told of his grandparents and the Pentecostal Russians who came across the Armenian borders to tell them about all the miracles that were happening in their community. Demos told how his grandmother, who had been crying and yearning for a boy after having five girl children had thought that if miracles really happened then maybe they could ask God and he would give him a son.
Then one day his grandfathers bother in law had the Holy Spirit come to him and he went to Demos grandmother and prophesied that she would have a son in one year. It happened just like the brother in law had said it would.

            I never got that new blue Chevrolet Van but what happened was so much better.  I believe that while I was reading that book and reading all the things God did in the lives of very ordinary people, I found faith to believe God for childless couples. I wound up a week after I quit, the fast, in a prayer meeting where the Holy Spirit fell on me and I walked on my knees all the way around the room prophesying to everyone there. When I got to my friend Sherry who had been praying for a baby but had not been able to conceive, I started to prophesy that in one year she would have a son. It happened just like I said it would.

            Many years later I was sitting in a CPR class with a woman that I worked with.  She had been going to a doctor who had done everything he knew to do to help her get pregnant but with no results. 
She was feeling really down and really alone. Her father had recently died from a ruptured aortic aneurysm. Shortly afterward her mother had to have a heart procedure done and a few weeks after the procedure she dropped dead while hanging some new curtains in her living room.
During the CPR class we were watching a video about performing CPR on a baby, when suddenly the baby in the video came alive. Just then I heard her sniffling back her tears.
Then I heard the Holy Spirit say to me. “If you will pray for her I will give her a baby!”

During the break for refreshments I went to her and told her what the Holy Spirit said to me. I the ask her if I could pray for her. She said “yes” so I just took her by the hand and simply said aloud,” Lord give her a baby” Six weeks later she called me at the unit where I worked and said, “Guess what I’m pregnant.” We were both so filled with joy!  She now has two children and they are both exceptional.  
Since that time I have prayed for so many women to have children and every one of them have either conceived or adopted.  There was a woman my daughter insisted I pray for.  I was unsure about praying for her because I didn’t think, with her personality, she would make a good mother. (I was being judgmental) However I prayed for her anyway. Right after she had the baby she seemed so helpless, I was sure I probably should have gone with my instincts and not prayed for her.  Then several years later I saw her at a school gathering and by that time she had birthed three children. I was pleasantly surprised that she was dealing with all three of them like a pro. I decided right then and there that I was not the judge of who has a child. God is the giver of good gifts and it’s none of my business to whom He gives those gifts to!

Okay one more story sticks in my mind and then I’m finished with this subject.  This one is a hard one, and is the reason I told the previous one.

I first met this girl when she and her sister were in foster care at a friend’s home.  They had been taken from their mother because she was a habitual drug addict and a drug dealer.  Years past and I didn’t know what had happened to either of the girls after they left my friend’s home.
One day at a church gathering I met a woman who had been released from prison due to liver cancer.  The prison doctor had sent her home to die. She told the doctor that she was not going to die but that she was going to live and declare the works of the Lord.  I was very impressed with this woman’s testimony.  Later she began coming to our church and making restitution with her children. She told everyone that she was declaring things that are not as though they were. Well, I soon found out that I knew two of her daughters. They were the girls that my friend had fostered.
The younger of the two was in prison for drugs and as soon as she got out her mom brought her to church. I soon found out that this girl had three children that she had to give away because she had to go to prison and there was no one to care for them.  After she got out of prison her mom kept calling her and her sisters mighty women of God. There was another sister that had gone to live with her dad when their mom went to prison.  Their mom just kept calling all three of them mighty women of God. Both her other sisters had daughters. As this young woman started to change she got close to her sister’s children and started to grieve over her own children that she no longer had any kind of access to.
She married a man that was a Christian and had been on staff at a church I had formerly attended. He had, had an accident and hurt his back and had lost so much weight I hardly recognized him when I saw him with her. I was happy for them and thought they made a great couple.

Later on, she heard that I prayed for women to have babies and wanted me to pray for her to have a baby.  So I prayed for her. However, as time passed and she didn’t get pregnant, I asked God what was going on that she had not yet conceived. He put in my spirit that she had not forgiven herself for giving her children away.  One day I felt very impressed to go to a certain store to buy a gift for a friend.  Just as I was looking for a gift at the costume jewelry section of the store that was close to the entry door I looked up and she and her husband were entering the store.  I called her name and asked if she had time to talk to me for a few minutes. She agreed and her husband left to go and shop while we talked. I told her what God had put in my heart and we prayed together about it. Shortly afterward she was able to learn that her children were being well cared for and doing well.  Time passed and still no results.  So, I am thinking well maybe I don’t have the ability to pray for babies any more? I wonder what is going on?
Then one day her husband came over to my house.  He was visiting with my daughter and as he started out I went out with him talking all the while. Once we were on the back porch I spoke his name and said let’s pray.  As we prayed, I had a thought that I almost rejected. In my mind I said:” God what was that thought all about?” Suddenly I knew what it was about and prayed aloud that God would fix his man parts! He immediately commented, “I really need all the help I can get in that department right now.” 

As I write this, I write it with the knowledge that their little girl will be born three months from now!  I'm grinning for joy so wide my cheeks hurt.  All I can say is “Isn’t The LORD So Very, Very Always Good”